Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gore: Lies and Big Money

From "An Inconvenient Truth" we have more lies. ABC's 20/20 just ran a spot on how Al Gore's alarming documentary deceived viewers by using computer generated video footage from the movie The Day After Tomorrow to depict calving of the Antarctic ice shelves. Karen Goulekas, Special Effects surpervisor from The Day After Tomorrow confirms, "That's a fully computer generated shot. There's nothing real in there."

This comes on the heels of Gore admitting what had long been suspected and many sources attempted to prove -- he has a number of financial interests in advancing global warming. This came within weeks after Richard Campbell, a spokesman for Gore's Generation Investment Management fund, continued to claim that Gore did not have a financial interest, and someone who thinks you can benefit financially from carbon offsets lacks knowledge in the industry.

Excuse me, Mr. Campbell? Carbon finance is a multi-billion dollar international industry! This Fortune Magazine article does a nice job of dissecting the industry and how it works. Companies like EcoSecurities buy carbon credits from those that prevent carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere for about $4 and sell them to international banks for about $18. The banks are risking that these credits will gain value or sell them to a European power company that needs the credits to meets its regulatory obligations (so if you don't siphon off enough CO2 as a power plant, you can just buy your way into meeting standards). How about the Chinese HFC23 (a refrigerant gas that effectively traps heat) factories that are allowed to claim 11,700 carbon credits for creating a gas that they've been selling for years? They've sunk $150 million into creating the product but have made $6 billion from credits, prompting some to point out that, "Chinese refrigerant companies have become carbon-credit factories that only incidentally sell refrigerants."

Read on... it's unbelievable how much money is being made, not from a product, but from the prevention of making a product that plant life around the world naturally absorbs and turns into oxygen:

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