Monday, March 17, 2008

NOAA's Results: Coolest Winter Since 2001

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this past winter was the coolest since 2001. While that may have only been seven winters ago, according to the global warming alarmists we are supposed to be far above that level by now. In fact, since recording of national temperatures began in 1895, this was the 54th coolest winter, placing this past winter in the cooler half of cold winters, and some places like Concord, NH, received more than 100 inches of snow, blowing away records that had existed for more than 100 years.

So what happened to the drastically rising temperatures we were supposed to be seeing? That infamous "hockey stick" graph that was developed 20 years ago has come under fire for its inaccuracies and predictions of widespread tropical disease, severe drought, rapid melting of the world's glaciers and ice caps, and rising sea levels that simply haven't happened.

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