Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Gorey Dining

With a straight face he pours out his concern about our world. He sings you to sleep with lullabies about we need to take care of our environment and by doing so we must all make sacrifices. The film industry threw awards at him for his enlightenment.

Yeah, I'm talking about Al Gore. With his deepest sympathies he was regrettably unable to make a sacrifice and NOT serve an endangered fish at his daughter's wedding. The Chilean sea bass populations are on a steep decline and, according to the following article which describes the event, are nearing extinction; however, if you were a guest of the Gore's this past weekend then you found one seasoned on your dinner plate.,22049,22090734-5001031,00.html

Nice follow-up to Live Earth, Al. What's next? Rotisserie bald eagles?

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